Hypnosis for Exam Confidence & Success
Before I became a certified hypnotist, I was super skeptical about the process. It wasn’t until I met Tim Horn, owner of Hypnoconsult in Manassas, Virginia and agreed to be hypnotized that I became a non-skeptic.
Hypnosis is not a trick. It’s a real process that each of us currently use to place ourselves in hypnotic states that help us quit smoking, lose weight, stay with our no-good partners, and ignore the fact that we are the common denoninator in all of our problems. Lol!
We don’t call it hypnosis, but that’s essentially what we are doing.
And it’s because all hypnosis is self-hypnosis that we can use this tool to also help us pass exams.
Here is a short video that I created for that very purpose. Be sure you are in a quiet place and use headphones if you have them.